Vimoutliner... finally!

Posted: Sun, 12 July 2009 | permalink | No comments

I am, at best, a vim dilettante, preferring joe for most of my day-to-day text-editing needs. However, I do like using vimoutliner for notes, plans, todo lists, and calendaring (more on that some other time).

However, the Debian vimoutliner package (in combination with the awesomely undocumented vim-addons mess) is an absolute pain to get going, requiring far more swearing and prodding than seems necessary. Since I don't do it often enough, too, I keep forgetting how, and today things came to an absolute head when I very nearly flung my netbook across the room as it singularly refused to do my outliner bidding.

Finally, however, after much swearing (and even installing vimoutliner's upstream package to see if it worked -- it did -- and what it was doing differently -- just a small, crucial addition to .vimrc), I got the magical recipe. No doubt someone with an acheing need to make sure that vim stays as user-hostile as possible will immediately spring into action to make sure this doesn't work for squeeze, but at least for the life of lenny, here's how to get vimoutliner working:

 # apt-get install vim-vimoutliner vim-addon-manager vim
 $ vim-addons install vimoutliner
 $ echo "filetype plugin indent on" >> ~/.vimrc

May it help someone avoid putting their laptop through a wall.

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