Why Security Is So Hard

Posted: Fri, 2 February 2007 | permalink | No comments

Recently, I was doing a conversion of CFEngine configs to Puppet manifests. I noticed this line being set in sshd_config:

 AllowGroups foo bar baz xyzzy

And then somewhere else, the www-data user had been added to the baz group, so that the webserver could write to some files owned by the baz user (on a group-per-user system, naturally).

Ordinarily, you wouldn't connect these two things (the changes most likely having been made months apart), and it was only that I was examining all of the changes made to the system in this manifest at once that I connected the two things at all. There are a couple of ramifications here:

I don't know whether the problem is excessive complexity and hence the risk of unintended consequences, or if problems like this can be avoided with sufficient careful thought, but I do know one thing: making all of your system changes through a system like Puppet doesn't just make your systems more reproducible, it also makes them more auditable. Bonus!

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