But how, dear Liza?

Posted: Tue, 17 January 2006 | permalink | No comments

Support our Aussie Farmers, dear Henry, dear Henry. Support our Aussie Farmers, dear Henry. Support!

I hate "current affairs" shows. They're nothing but beat-ups and bullshit. But I had the unpleasant experience of actually watching an episode just now, and they've hit a new low. It was an article on prawn farmers, and oscillated between South Park style "they took our jobs!" and "those evil retailers, mislabelling foreign prawns as local".

Now, I empathise with people who lose their jobs due to circumstances beyond their control, and misrepresentation is a fairly unpleasant thing, but the bit that thoroughly pissed me off was the return comment from the presenter:

"We should all support our Aussie farmers."

How, exactly? We can't "buy Australian", because the products are mislabelled, and that was the whole thrust of their article. No mention was made of legal action, civil or criminal, and the number of people watching who would be in a position to take such action would be vanishingly small. Misrepresentation is already illegal, so it isn't a matter of pressuring our elected representatives to pass appropriate legislation.

At least I know I've not been missing anything by running away every time a show like this comes on the idiot box for the past 12 months.

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